Gliding silently along rails so thin as to remain unseen to the naked eye, the four modules running in precise perpendicular relation to one another commenced the extension of their primary operational element, a slim, precisely aligned frame cradling an equally precise curve of material with the strength of atoms so finely placed at juxtaposition
After less than a year of societal & world destruction at the hands of the incredibly ignorant republican congress and the pathetic excuse for human president trump, the cats finally realized the only remaining hope for our world was their overt return as our ruling masters. This after years of living under cover to observe
Congealing slowly to avoid any unnecessary pain from the transmutation I found my body enfolded in moisture. Head to toe a glisten in minute droplets, each uniquely refracting the soft light in a multitude of hue as if an explosion of rainbows emanated from my jeweled flesh. Around me was at first indistinct. A pure