©2017 Ben & Donna Raskin / Raskinworld

    ---Ansel Adams

Sunday, 25 March 2018 / Published in BenZone
An endless repetition backed by endless repetition. Enjoy.
Sunday, 04 February 2018 / Published in BenZone
The morning after. Yesterday we lost Crimso – best friend, amazingly smart and wise being who was a major force in our family over his 18 years. He is missed. RIP.
Thursday, 18 January 2018 / Published in BenZone
A late night snowstorm in downtown Kansas City Missouri prompts a visit from an aural manifestation, present & manifest.
Sunday, 14 January 2018 / Published in BenZone
It began as a potential destination, dependent on that which was to come and if this possible action should compose itself at point X while factoring the dynamics constantly at play in this body cohabiting space in such a manner as to be water. It was the point where that within held struggle with that
Monday, 01 January 2018 / Published in BenZone
As the year of chaos draws to a close… For maximum enjoyment please view at full screen & PLAY LOUD!
Saturday, 25 November 2017 / Published in BenZone
Dabbling in the mire of a mutant week…
Saturday, 18 November 2017 / Published in BenZone
For the first time in days the mist receded and as a full moon arose the scene became one of surreal beauty among a reality of sheer horror. It was J.G. Ballard’s Crystal World become true, only with far less sophistication given the contrast of crystalline facets of perfection versus the smooth encasement of hardened
Sunday, 12 November 2017 / Published in BenZone
At this proximity my initial thought was smooth, not as a flow of neurons, but as a texture. That of the near twin bodies hovering above me as my eyes took focus. Breast feathers a puff, perhaps disturbed or perhaps simple in expression of disdain for the strange vision, myself, sprawled upon the floor on